Monday, August 3, 2009

What's a Tour Guide and How do I Become One?

What's a Tour Guide?

If you're new to Club Penguin and need a bit of help getting around, there are a whole heap of penguins that would be happy to take you on a tour! These penguins are Tour Guides and when they're on duty they will be wearing a hat with a question mark, like the one in the picture.

Why Should I Become a Tour Guide?

Becoming a Tour Guide is a great way to help new penguins and make friends. You will be given a tour guide hat that many penguins wear as a fashion item, and at the beginning of each month Club penguin will pay you 250 coins!

How Do I become a Tour Guide?

If you are at least 45 days old you can become a Tour Guide! All you have to do is go to the Ski Village and click on the tour booth. You will then have to answer some questions about Club Penguin, here are some answers to questions you might be asked:

Rockhopper’s ship is called the Migrator
The pink puffle skips to play
The big fish in Ice Fishing is called Mullet
The Ski Lodge has a Cuckoo Clock
The pet shop has no music playing in the background
The Viking Helmet is always hidden in the clothing catalog
The Penguin Times comes out on Thursdays
To get a pin you walk up to it
Backgrounds cost 60 coins to buy
The Boiler Room has old copies of Penguin Times
There are 4 sled racing tracks
Jet pack adventure is the only game with a shark
The Beach doesn’t have a game
The black puffle can catch fire
The flowerpot is thrown on the fourth level of Bean Counters

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